Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sweet Peril

Sigh... I've waited for this book for about 11 months now and let me tell you it was worth it. I loved Kai in the first book but in this one oh my goodness I was about ready to chunk my Kindle out my window. Kai was a complete jerk to Anna in the first few chapters and I was like hold up! Kai-what is wrong with you? It is obvious that he loves Anna and his meaness is totally like what the heck? What happened to the boy the Sweet Evil???

Moving on. Kope is such a sweetheart. I love him. I love Wendy for not making another book where the girl cannot decide between two guys. But luckily that is addressed head on and it never formulates. I totally did not see his secret coming. On to Blake. I love his humor and how he unakwards (is that a word?) situations. The twins are back!!! I love Ginger and Marna. They are both soo sweet.

I was kinda mad that Kaidan was missing in the entire first half of the book but when he comes back into the plot totally made up for it!!! I just loved all of the moments between them. I could not believe what he asked her! I was jumping up in down on my bed at about 4am.

I loved all of the new Neph that were introduced in this book. The Dukies seemed even more evil than usual...if that is possible. Oh and when the title made sense...

 I cannot wait until the next book! All I wanna see is Anna go kick some Demon butt. If you have not read this book or Sweet Evil for that matter you should drop whatever you are doing and get it!!!

I give this book an off the charts rating because it was just that good.